What we Do
Technics One LLC can provide your company with with Voice and Data Communication systems. Wether you need a single Cable drop, structured wiring or rewiring, telephone systems, patch panels, VoIP (Voice over IP) we can supply you with every thing from the patch panel to the cable. Our Certified Cable Installers can Voice and Data Lines from the patch panel to the rooms and conference desks and certify them to meet industry standards.
Most companies do not realize how important it is to make sure that your Voice and Data Cabling meets industry standards and is installed properly. Poor cabling leads to data packet loss, slow networks, time outs, data loss, downtime, backup failures etc. Consider your your cabling as a highway or a road. If the road is poorly designed and has pot holes in it, it will block traffic and it will be impossible for the traffic to pass smoothly. Same scenario applies to your Network Cabling, if the design is not according to standards and it is layed out poorly such as "sharp bends, splits, shared with voice lines or running along side electrical lines", your network will encounter many speed and performance issues. Technics One LLC can design your system from ground up in a way so that it is not only upgradeable but also optimized for your network traffic. If your current cabling is layed our poorly we can also offer rewiring so that your network offers the best performance to all the devices on the network.
We have Certified Cable installers with over 20 years experience in voice and data communications. Below is a list of
Voice and Data Communication services we offer:
- Voice Cabling and system design
- Data Cabling and system design
- Dedicated Internet Lines T1, T3, DS3, OC3, Ethernet, Frame Relay
- Voice Over IP (VoIP) Solutions
- Service Level Agreements for Dedicated Internet Access
- Panasonic Telephone System, Voice mail Systems
- Cisco and Linksys VoIP Solutions
How we do it
At Technics One LLC we understand how important network and voice cabling is. That is why our Network Engineers, Project Managers and Cable Engineers work closely with you to make sure that every thing is organized well and detailed. Look at our system design model. It all starts right after a customer calls us and requests a meeting for their network. We immediately appoint three people for the infrastructure design:
- Project Manager - Who will manage the whole process
- Network Engineer - Person incharge of recommending products to the project manager and configurations
- Cable Engineer - Person incharge of choosing the right cable for voice and data, patch panels, and making sure it meets industry standards
During this whole process customer and Technics One LLC executives are given reports daily on the project progress and performance. This enables customers to know exactly how our team is performing and enables us to provide and justify all billing.
Take a Look At Some of the work Done by our Certified Cable Installer